


The 戏剧系 at 杰克逊维尔大学 is a premier arts education institution that offers individualized theatrical artist training through a liberal arts framework. We are located on the JU main campus, just minutes from downtown, the beach, and major 该地区的艺术中心.

The 戏剧系 provides theatrical artists including actors, designers, stage managers, technicians, and others the chance to interrogate their own artistic competencies and talents, while working with a close-knit department that is focused 注重创新、个人成长和专业发展. 全球网络赌博平台坚信全球网络赌博平台的 success is rooted in the artistic and creative exploration of unselfish collaboration, 是什么促进了冒险和大胆的艺术创作.


Interested 学生 must first apply for admission to 杰克逊维尔大学. 了解更多关于面试过程.



该部门同时提供B.A. 和B.F.A. 专注于表现的学位 (表演)和技术戏剧. 这个系为校园服务 community and extends to the local Jacksonville community and the Northeast Florida 艺术社区.

研究生s of the program enjoy work across many facets of entertainment industry. Our actors can be seen on stages across the country and on major networks and platforms 比如AMC、HBO、NBC、Netflix等等! 全球网络赌博平台的技术人员和设计师正在管理 theatres, working in theme park design, and consistently developing innovative practices 在各自的领域.


The 戏剧系 is committed to the artistic 和一个cademic success of its 学生. 本署提供 美术学士(BFA)戏剧 和一个 文学士(BA) 专注于表现或技术. 全球网络赌博平台的综合学位 programs are designed for the student seeking careers as professional actors, designers, 对于寻求更高学位的学生.

英航的 degree in Theatre will provide 学生 with a well-rounded structure and background in liberal arts as well as extensive studies in various aspects of theatre. 英航的 curriculum is structured to allow 学生 to minor in other subjects of interest 还有双学位. 这个学位是很容易接受的,如果学生演员打算 读研究生.

The BFA degree is a pre-professional degree, dedicated to training and preparing 学生 for a professional career in theatre that is competitive with current industry standards. A JU Theatre Major has opportunities to perform major roles for the stage beginning 在他们的第一年

college and set/lighting design 学生 will see their work produced on our main 早在他们大三的时候就开始了. 全球网络赌博平台的学生喜欢小班授课,一对一 one instruction, hands-on experience, individual mentoring 和一个 high degree of professionalism.

Entrance into the BFA program requires an 试镜, portfolio review or letters of 同行推荐.



斯坦大学, the 戏剧系 physically lives in Swisher Theater, a 22,000 square-foot, 400-seat proscenium space with functioning classrooms, scenic 和一个llied arts and 手工艺品店和教员办公室. 剧院是教育的物理交叉点 戏剧、舞蹈和音乐方面的编程. 它也被大学社区使用 用于其他表演、聚会和仪式. 该部门也有访问权限 到100个座位

Blackbox theater, a large concert hall managed by the Department of Music, 和一个nother 私人空间,北工作室,由舞蹈系管理. 全球网络赌博平台的许多学生 also enjoy collaboration with JU’s Film Studies Program, serving as actors for short 电影、论文、动画作品和其他项目.

Please explore our Instagram page below, to see photos from our previous productions 和表演.



埃里克·德西科,埃德.D, 戏剧助理教授兼系主任

Dr. 德西科在杰克逊维尔出生和长大. 他毕业于斯坦顿学院 预备学院,杰克逊维尔大学,获得硕士学位.F.A. 路易斯维尔大学的表演专业 和一个Ed.D. 来自新英格兰大学. 埃里克自始至终都是演员和导演 the Northeast Florida area and has been seen at the Alhambra as Cogsworth in Beauty 还有大河里的野兽和国王. 他的作品包括:跳人! 马里奥音乐剧 (2014 NYC Fringe Best Musical Winner), Amadeus, Seminar, Phantom, Next to Normal. 电视类:AMC电视台的《全球网络赌博平台》、《全球赌博十大网站》. 导演:埃德温之谜 Drood, Metamorphoses, In the Heights, Legally Blonde, Urinetown, Little Women, The 39 Steps, Weird Romance, Into the Woods, Little Shop of Horrors, Once on This Island, 世外桃源. 他联合主演了即将上映的故事片《全球赌博十大网站》.

黛博拉·乔丹, 艺术硕士,戏剧教授

Deborah Jordan is a Professor of Theatre and Program Head of Acting/Directing. 她 收到她的M.F.A. 获得俄亥俄州立大学表演系学士学位和B.A. 在这两个 来自德克萨斯州休斯顿大学的戏剧和人文学科. 在加入JU剧院之前 faculty Deborah founded two independent, professional theatre companies: Characters, 公司. (Founder, Executive 导演), and The Jacksonville Stage Company (Founder, Artistic 导演). Deborah is an award-winning actor, director, and playwright with numerous regional and national credits from such notable theaters as The Alley Theatre, Houston, Texas, Contemporary American Theatre Company (CATCO), Columbus, Ohio, and the Houston 肖节,休斯顿,德克萨斯州. 她在《全球网络赌博平台》中表现出色 Play Foundry (formerly The Seven Devil’s Playwrighting Conference) in McCall, Idaho debuting her play, The Calling, and workshopping her newest play, Ian Stories; Notes 来自彼岸. 导演作品包括《全球赌博十大网站》 & 朱丽叶,欧律狄刻,我的儿子们, 埋葬的孩子,第十二夜,谁怕弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫?《全球网络赌博平台》 Hamlet, The Laramie Project, Ragtime, the musical, Seminar, Side Man, ART, WIT, and 23楼的笑声. 代理:夫人. 沃伦的职业(基蒂·沃伦),上帝 Carnage (Veronica), Twelfth Night (Maria), Heartbreak House (Ariadne), The Three Sisters 《全球赌博十大网站》(玛丽)、《全球赌博十大网站》(玛丽). 《全球赌博十大网站》和《全球赌博十大网站》(艾希礼).

Valeriya Nedviga, 景观设计助理教授 & 技术

Valeriya Nedviga is a resident scenic designer for Indianapolis Opera (IN).  她设计的 for Indiana University (IN), NYU-Steinhardt and The Tank Theatre (NYC); Red Tape Theatre, Bravo Performing Arts Center and Metropolis Performing Arts Center in Chicago; Millbrook Playhouse in PA, Bristol Valley Theatre and Alleyway Theatre in NY, The Phipps Center 艺术(WI). 瓦莱里娅曾担任俄亥俄州立歌剧院的制片助理 and Lyric Theatre 和一个s a critic in residence for BorderLight Cleveland 国际 Theatre and Fringe Festival, Production Manager for Westerville Symphony orchestra, personnel manager and Librarian for McConnell Arts Center Chamber Orchestra (OH); 她还曾在印第安纳州立博物馆和印第安纳波利斯芭蕾舞团工作.

她 has MFA in Scenic Design from Indiana University, as well as MM in Violin Performance 获得俄亥俄州立大学弦乐教育学硕士学位.


克里斯汀利文斯顿 表演,舞台管理和艺术管理的兼职教员

米奇利文斯顿, 技术剧院兼职教员

布莱恩的侄女, 表演系副教授



表演艺术学院提供其他几个学习项目. 了解更多关于 学校的课程
