Grading Information

Updated October 20, 2020

Grade Scale

JU operates on a 4.0规模.

Letter Grade​ 定义 Numerical Equivalent ​(Grade Points)
A​ ​Exceptional Work 4.00​
A- Excellent Work 3.67
B+ 良好的工作 3.33
B 良好的工作 3.00
B- 良好的工作 2.67
C+ Satisfactory Work 2.33
C Satisfactory Work 2.00
C- Passing Work 1.67
D+ Passing Work 1.33
D Passing Work 1.00
D- Passing Work 0.67
F Unsatisfactory Work; Failure 0.00
I 不完整的 Not included in 平均绩点
P 通过了 Not included in 平均绩点
W 收回了 Not included in 平均绩点
AU 审计 Not included in 平均绩点
CR 信贷

Not included in 平均绩点

S Satisfactory

Not included in 平均绩点

U Unsatisfactory Not included in 平均绩点

Grade Point Requirements & 平均绩点 Calculation

Grade Points Formula

Grade points formula.
Letter Grade (Numerical equivalent) X 号. Hours 信贷 = Grade Points
3.0 X 3 = 9

平均绩点 Formula

Grade point average formula.
Total Grade Points ÷ Total credit hours attempted = 平均绩点
45 ÷ 15 = 3.0

研究生 Student Grades

参加研究生课程的研究生不会获得“C-”、“D+”、“D”或“D-”成绩, but will receive an “F” for any graduate courses they earn less than a “C.“研究生 students enrolled in undergraduate courses are not affected by this rule.

Graduation 平均绩点 Requirements

  • Undergraduate students must maintain a 2.0 cumulative grade point average (平均绩点) to avoid adverse academic action and to qualify for graduation.
  • 研究生 students must maintain a 3.0 cumulative 平均绩点 to avoid adverse academic action and to qualify for graduation.

“I” Grades - 不完整的s

  • An incomplete (“I”) grade indicates that not all course work was completed by the end of the 术语 and that the student received permission from the professor for an extension to complete the work.
  • The student will be expected to complete all work by the end of the fourth week of the next semester/术语, if the work is not completed by the deadline, the “I” will change to an “F” grade.
  • 学院可以将完成“I”等级的时间延长到最后一天 of classes of the next semester by submitting a written request to the 注册商’s 办公室.

“W” Grade - Course Withdrawal

  • During the withdrawal 期 the student may withdraw from a course.
  • Withdrawn classes will receive a “W” grade. The “W” will appear on the student’s transcript, but will not compute into the student’s 平均绩点.
  • To withdraw from a class a student must go to Self-Service and withdraw using the link provided on their schedule.
  • 学生运动员必须在学生运动员退赛单上签名 Form.
  • 在退课之前,学生应该确定自己的资格 申请经济援助、奖学金、参加体育活动、学生活动、工作、 or any other condition that requires full-time student status at JU is maintained.
  • 未能参加一门或多门课程而未提出退学申请的学生 will receive a grade of “F” in each course.
  • 只有在不可预见和不可避免的情况下,方可豁免退出期限 documented emergency that precludes completion of the course or courses. All exceptions must be approved by the academic dean.

Traditional Term Classes

  • 退出周期从删除/添加周期之后开始,一直持续到 传统秋季学期和春季学期的第十周或夏季学期的第四周 术语.
  • Students should consult the academic calendar for exact dates.

Accelerated Campus Classes

  • The withdrawal 期 starts after the drop 期 (2nd 学期的星期五),一直持续到学期的第四个星期五(秋季,春季) and summer 术语s.

Accelerated Online Classes

  • 退费期在退费期(学期的第二个星期五)之后开始并持续 until the fourth Friday of the 术语 for the fall, spring and summer 术语s.

审计ed Classes

  • Only undergraduate students may “audit” a class.
  • Students may not audit a class in the core or their major.
  • Students enrolled for “audit” will receive neither grade nor credit toward a degree.
  • Once enrolled, the “audit” status may not be changed for credit after the drop/add 期.

Pass/Fail Option

  • “及格”或“不及格”的评分可用于寻求学位的本科生 earned at least 28 credit hours and who are not subject to probation.
  • The option is not available to graduate students.
  • Pass/Fail options cannot be used to correct any type of academic deficiency or to earn hours by repeating a failed course.
  • 合格/不合格审核表必须提供给注册办公室,不得更改 after the final day of the drop/add 期.
  • A maximum of 12 credit hours can be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • Maximum of four credit hours per semester.
  • The following courses may not be taken on a Pass/Fail basis:
    • English: ENGL 103 and ENGL 203
    • Any course used to fulfill core curriculum requirements
    • Courses required by the major or minor
    • Honors courses
    • Independent study courses
  • A “P” is earned for “D-” quality work or better; the credit hours are counted in hours earned toward a degree, but the 平均绩点 is unaffected. An “F” has the value of a regular “F,” and the 平均绩点 is appropriately affected.

Final Grades

Final grades are due to the 注册商’s 办公室 according to the academic calendar. Students may view their grades on-line using Self-Service.

Repeating a Class & Grade Substitution

Repeating a Class

  • 每门课程的成绩都包含在成绩单和成绩单中 平均绩点计算,包括学生重修课程的“F”成绩和 earned a passing grade.
  • Some JU courses may be repeated for degree credit. Such courses have a repeatability statement in the course description. All other courses may be repeated to improve a student’s 平均绩点, but not for degree credit. If any course is repeated, but is not 在课程目录中被指定为可重复学分的,所获得的成绩将包括在内 in the 平均绩点, but no hours earned are credited toward the degree requirements.


Grade Substitutions

  • Undergraduate students only may have up to two grades substituted.
  • 年级替换申请表必须填妥并提交给注册主任办公室 复读课程时,在学期100%退课期结束前到办公室报到.
  • 如果成绩替换导致“W”(退学)成绩或“F”成绩,他们将会退学 still count as one of the two substitutions allowed.
  • 如果分数替换的结果是“F”(不及格)分数,则“F”将取代分数 original grade in the Cum 平均绩点 even if it was passing.
  • 研究生 students are not eligible for grade substitution.

Appeals of Grades and Sanctions

大多数关于成绩的问题都可以通过咨询老师来轻松回答. 如果学生觉得自己受到了不公平的对待,那么老师可以 是否偏离了他/她规定的评分公式,在任意或惩罚性 manner, the student may appeal the grade.

The following timetable and grade appeal process shall be used whenever the student disagrees with a grade assigned, for academic misconduct or any other reason.

  • 除非学生首先讨论了他/她的担忧,否则通常不能提出上诉 with the instructor. This conference should take place within three business days 学生被告知分配的分数,除非意外和减轻 circumstances beyond the student's control warrant an extension. The student must be able to document such extenuating circumstances if requested by the instructor. 如果分配的分数是学期最后一周或最后一周交的作业 a final examination, the student and instructor must meet to confer no later than three business days after the beginning of the following semester.
  • 如果在与老师讨论后,这些问题仍然没有得到解决,学生 必须在会议后的两个工作日内书面通知导师 he/she is dissatisfied with the results of the conference. The student may then appeal 将导师的决定提交给相应的系主任或学院院长 教授该课程的系或学术单位不属于分部. 如果有问题的分数是由教师的兼职成员分配的, the appeal must also be made directly to the appropriate Division Chair or College 迪安. An appeal must be formally submitted in writing, clearly stating and documenting the evidence for unfair, arbitrary or unwarranted treatment and must be submitted 在学生书面通知导师后十个工作日内 the issue remains unresolved. The Division Chair/College 迪安 shall confer with both 学生和相关的教师(或辅助人员,如果有的话)一起在 five business days of receiving the written appeal. The concerned faculty member (or 附属官,如果他/她愿意)可以在这个时候提交一份正式的书面答复 the student's appeal.
  • 如果学生的担忧在与主席/院长会谈后仍未得到解决 and faculty member, or if the instructor (or adjunct, if available) disagrees with the decision of the Chair/迪安, the Chair/迪安 shall within five business days form 一个由五名教师组成的委员会,其中四名来自部门/学院进行审查 一份来自学术标准委员会,来自英国 在部门/学院之外,以确保学生和教师都是安全的 fairly treated. Within ten business days the committee must review the case and issue its final recommendation. The committee may either recommend the grade remain unchanged 由导师决定或建议将分数改为委员会的一个值 deems appropriate for the case. If the case involves academic misconduct, the committee 届时还可建议该学生留校察看或停学,或开除 from the University based upon compelling evidence of serious academic misconduct. 如果委员会认为学生应该受到处罚,那么 在成绩为“F”或某门课程中,学生不得退学或被退学 course at any time.
  • The committee's recommendation then must be issued into the Senior Vice President 教务处由系主任/学院院长、指导老师和学生负责 in writing along with an explanation of the rationale for the recommendation. 它是 教务处的高级副校长有责任确保 recommendation is carried out. If a semester/术语 ends without the process reaching 作为最后的解决方案,这个过程应该在下个学期开始时继续进行 at the point that was reached at the conclusion of the previous semester. 在这个 case, the grade assigned for the course will be recorded as "NG" (no grade) on the student's official transcript, without prejudice, until the case is resolved.
  • 如果学部或学院没有遵循上述程序,学生将被开除 或讲师可直接向主管学术事务的高级副校长申诉. 这一呼吁必须是书面的,并且必须清楚地说明所包含的程序 in this Grade Appeal Process were violated. The Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs is to de术语ine whether proper procedures have been followed. In the event 如果这些建议或决定没有得到遵守,则可宣布无效 and void and sent back to the Division or College for reexamination. The final disposition 这种情况必须报告给教师和学生在发放之前 of the grade.

General Grade Requirements for all Bachelor Degrees

  • A minimum of “C” (2.0) average for all work taken at JU.
  • A student must have a “C” (2.0) average in major.
  • A student must have a “C” (2.0) average in minor.
  • Freshman English (ENGL103) requires a minimum grade of “C-“(1.67).

Program Minimum Grade Requirements

JU has numerous programs for a student to choose from. Courses within some programs may require a minimum grade for the course to be used towards degree requirements or as a prerequisite. Please refer to the JU catalog, in the course description area, for classes that required a minimum grade.